Editor’s Note: I originally wrote this two years ago, but I realize not everyone has been here since then. I’ve also noticed some people have been searching for it lately, so thought I’d re-share it as a fun end of the year post. What’s worse than leaving your eight year Continue Reading
The First Draft of Hippo’s Obituary
You ever wonder how after someone famous dies the news sites instantly have an obituary written? You probably know it’s because there are writers who compose these ahead of time while the subject is still alive. Maybe not the most polite thing to do but understandably necessary. In that vein, Continue Reading
The Dangers of Owning A Home In California
I’ve previously written why one should never live in Seattle. The risk of an unprecedented earthquake is too high and you can’t diversify the risk. While California obviously has significant quake risk as well, thankfully, the potential magnitude is less and the tsunami risk is not concerning, so you have Continue Reading
Ranking the Villains in the Florida Home Insurance Tragedy
It’s June 1st and you know what that means? It’s now officially hurricane season! You know what else it means? We are one day closer to the meltdown of the Florida home insurance market! Stresses are arguably the worst they have ever been. Carriers are dropping like flies and we Continue Reading
Shrinkflation in the Florida Insurance Market
Informed Tip of the Week: Don’t know what shrinkflation is? It’s when companies shrink package sizes so they don’t have to raise prices and it’s been happening a lot lately. It’s been going on in insurance for years and is something Informed has written about previously. It’s a great way Continue Reading
Ian’s Brief #3: Year In Review
Yes, it’s the obligatory end of the year post! Frankly, you could just read the “Best Of” page instead, but if you want a somewhat longer version, here you go… I’ve grouped together the various themes that tended to repeat over the year and many of which you can expect Continue Reading
The Real Homeowner’s Catastrophe: Shopping For A Policy!
Summary:1) You can’t save 15% in 15 minutes – maybe 15 hours though?2) Forget about saving, you’re lucky if you can even get an online quote.3) The disparity in website sophistication across companies is shocking. Christmas Shopping For Insurance! Why am I shopping for homeowner’s coverage? Did I need something Continue Reading