I guess I stumbled into some good timing recently in writing about the role of short squeezes in the valuations of Insuretech stocks as short squeezes have become the story of 2021 so far. Last week, I wrote about the prominent short seller Andrew Left, of Citron, who targeted LMND Continue Reading
Giving Back Its Gains: Lemonade Targeted By Shorts
I can’t believe I’m writing about Lemonade again. I have a whole bunch of other topics I’ve been wanting to get to, but when something timely come along, you adapt and change plans. This has now become a battleground stock between the old school shorts and the millennial longs. Both Continue Reading
Greater Fool: Lemonade is the Hare Extraordinaire
Funny, earlier in the week I was watching LMND go past 180 on no news and thinking “how have they not raised equity yet?” and, bingo, 24 hours later, here’s the raise. They couldn’t have timed it better. For those who remember the Insurance Hare piece, this is what the Continue Reading
The Hot Pepper Scale: An Update
Over the summer, I assessed the odds of a post Covid market turn and introduced the Hot Pepper Scale assessment of hard markets as an alternative to the underwriting clock. Six months later, I thought it a good time to reassess where things stand. While the market is still improving, Continue Reading
The Socializing of Debt Bubbles aka Leverage Has Costs
As the US government debates how much “free” money to give out as stimulus, I realized there is something important missing from the conversation. Where does this free money come from? And do we have to pay it back to someone? Given the desire to keep raising the bid on Continue Reading