Somewhere down the road when business schools study why the global economy was so ill prepared to handle a disruption of activity, one of the obvious conclusions will be that business models were optimized for the median. In other words, companies tried to maximize profits for the 95% of the Continue Reading
Will the Brokers Bear the Cost of Business Interruption?
This is going to be a very short post but wanted to get this thought out there and no reason to write more than is necessary. There is obviously a lot of concern about the potential for insurers to be found responsible for covid related business interruption losses. There are Continue Reading
A Plan to Safely Start the NBA on May 1
Yes, we have bigger problems in this country than whether the NBA returns or not this season. However, as I was thinking of test cases to re-open the economy, the NBA actually would be one of the easiest ones to execute with the added bonus of providing some much needed Continue Reading
What the Government Should Be Doing NOW!
The header says it all. The government is way over their heads managing this crisis. They are focused on the wrong things. As I’ve said in prior posts, we have focused all our attention on managing the risk of a hospital bed shortfall. That is the wrong approach. First, it Continue Reading
Three Investing Rules For A Bear Market
Arguably, the best time to be an investor is during a bear market. Yes, there is increased risk, but there is also increased opportunity. While it is easier to make money trading in a secular bull market, a bear market provides the opportunity to buy core positions at deep discounts. Continue Reading