Note, that question mark is at the end for a reason. Is there really such a thing as a safe way to own bitcoin? There just may be! First, as always when I broach these topics, I am not giving investment advice. I am not suggesting you put this trade Continue Reading
Is Cyber Risk Insurable?
One of the faster growing areas in insurance is cyber risk. Cyber is fast becoming the new cat drawing outsize attention due to the headline grabbing nature of the peril. While there is a lot of excitement about cyber, there is not enough fear. Let me state what everyone knows Continue Reading
Are You a Tina or a Tino?
No, this isn’t about Tina Fey or Tino Martinez. Last week’s piece raised a number of questions about what exactly “being cautious” means, so thought I’d do a follow up to try to bring further clarity. Being cautious doesn’t mean sell everything…or even sell anything. It means be aware of Continue Reading
Proceed With Caution!
OK, it’s time to have a serious conversation. I’ve said before it’s really easy to cry bubble and be way early and look stupid for a long time. But also, these people are usually right in the end. While I’m not ready to scream sell everything yet, I think it’s Continue Reading