Summary:It can make sense for life insurers to offer a new UL policy that also has a cancer treatment benefit. Hypothesis: Life Insurers Should Pay for Costly Cancer Drugs I came across an interesting op-ed recently in the Wall Street Journal, written by two professors at USC. Their argument is Continue Reading
NCAA Update: Historic Opening Weekend for Favorites
Last week I provided advice for how to pick one’s NCAA bracket. It’s only fair that I hold myself accountable and update the results. There was some good and some bad. The Good I said don’t pick Duke and came within one how did that not go in tip-in of Continue Reading
The Stock Pickers Guide to Picking Your Bracket
Summary:Don’t pick Duke!Play to win, not to not lose…so don’t pick Duke! While tomorrow much of America will be ignoring work to watch basketball, today many will be ignoring work to figure out who to pick in their work pool. I am here to help! Don’t be That Guy! There Continue Reading
Innovation Has Jumped the Shark
Note: Don’t miss today’s other post on 10-K reserves! Last week AM Best announced a new ratings criteria for innovation. This is such a bad idea. Even if you think Insuretech will take over the world, this is still such a bad idea. Why? Let us count the ways… #1 Continue Reading
10K Reserve Disclosures: What are they good for?
Note: Don’t miss today’s other post on AM Best’s new innovation standard! Punchline:10K reserve disclosures need to require earned premium data. I’m going to channel my inner Chris Berman and quote a 50 year old song and act like everyone should get the reference. So here goes: 10K reserves…what are Continue Reading
Will Willis Win a Willing Buyer?
DISCLAIMER: This is not investment advice. Don’t take it as such!Also, I have not spoken to any of the companies mentioned below. All that follows is pure speculation on my part. Highlights:1) Willis Towers is now in play, whether they want to be or not.2) Aon pulled a master stroke Continue Reading
Five Things To Change About AIFA
If there’s one thing I learned researching how to start a successful blog, it’s that people like lists, especially on the internet. They are total clickbait! So without further ado, here is my first clickbait list. Click away!!! But first, a teaser: I’m going to try to write something on Continue Reading
The Fundamental Flaw in Quant Models
Tl;dr version = this will be a lot of words about garbage in, garbage out! Key Highlights– The fundamental flaw in quant models is they are backwards looking and they assume that the past informs the future– Models that only work in “normal” times but fail in the tails are Continue Reading