You’ve probably read a lot in the news recently about carry trades. Many of you may not fully understand what they are or why they matter. I’ll try to help explain that, but I also want to go beyond that and delve into how central banks enable these carry trades Continue Reading
Why Trump Sneakers Are The New Bitcoin
I’m sure most of you have seen the story of Trump selling $400 gold sneakers. Many probably rolled their eyes or took the clickbait and read the news stories or even went to the website (I won’t link it, sorry) to see if it was true. I had a different Continue Reading
How Prisoner’s Dilemma Made ILS and Streaming TV Worse
Innovations are supposed to make things better, but sometimes, they, inadvertently, make things worse. How so? Because they can create some bad game theory incentives. Companies feel pressured to do something that is a positive if only they do it, but, once everyone copies it, results in a lower equilibrium. Continue Reading
Bankrupting Bank Shareholders Is Bad For America
Editor’s Note: Before we get into the big topic, some of you may be expecting my NCAA picks. Unfortunately, I have no time for that right now, but I will share with you my old guide on that for reference as well as the link to the public pick’s you Continue Reading
Grading My 2022 Predictions: Pretty Good!
At the beginning of the year, I did a silly thing. I made a bunch of predictions for the year. This blog has a pretty strong record of predictions over the years, but I had never fallen for the nonsense of making topical annual predictions…until this year. Now, the thing Continue Reading
Will the End of Covid Be Good for the Economy?
Editor’s note: I’ll have an update on what is going on at Informed later in the month. As Evan Greenberg likes to say….stay tuned! Editors’s note #2: Yes, I know LMND bought MILE last night, but this note was already written. We’ll get to that news some other time. For Continue Reading
The Worst Investment in South America
I got sidetracked from my best and worst investment series by the GE saga. FYI, I updated the post with some better LTC data and showed the cherry picking was even worse than I thought! Anyway, today we will talk about the fools who bought 100-year debt from Argentina. Argentina Continue Reading